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Request for Records

Completing and returning a Records Release Form will allow NEIEP to release an official transcript of your educational records.

To get started, fill in all of the required fields in the form below and print the document. To protect the privacy of your educational records, you must have the Record Release Form notarized (by a Notary Public) and then return the original notarized form to our Records Office at 11 Larsen Way, Attleboro Falls, MA 02763.

Once the NEIEP Records Office receives your notarized form, NEIEP will then release your records to you and the institution you have authorized on the form. Please note that incomplete or electronic copies of the Records Release Form are not accepted - only the original, signed, notarized document will allow us to release your records.

NEIEP may notify the Chairman of your current and/or last listed local JATC program of any requests for student records.

*For current students, you may also obtain an 'unofficial' transcript by logging into the NEIEP website and selecting 'Student Certificate' under the Students tab. Unofficial transcripts can be printed from your computer at any time, and do not require a request form or notarization.

Step 1: Credentials



Last 4 SSN:

Date of Birth: